China is going to change....?

Below is an article about the BS in China.

By DIKKY SINN, Associated Press Writer

BEIJING - The beating of two Japanese journalists by police in western China drew an official apology Tuesday, but Beijing also set new obstacles for news outlets wanting to report from Tienanmen Square in the latest sign of trouble for reporters covering the Olympics....

...The Japanese government and the Foreign Correspondents Club of China condemned the roughing up of the Japanese newsmen who were covering an attack by alleged Muslim separatists on police in Xinjiang province.
The separate incidents added to the impression that China is not living up to promises that foreign media would have unrestricted access during the games and has reverted to the tight controls that the communist government keeps over the press in normal times...

This is just more proof that we are simply to stupid in our society to question what we are told. Who in the hell actually thought China's communist rulers would allow freedom of any ones press while in China? I can tell you who would like you to believe that....all of those waiting to make millions of Dollars or Euros... that's who. Use your head people, China can't allow freedom of the press. If they do the whole ball of twine might come undone. Plus all of you mindless consumers might stop tuning in every night.... Question what you see and take nothing at face value. Everyone is so stupid, the concept of the Olympics was about bringing the world together in sport to overcome differences. WHY ARE WE GOING TO THE LEAST FREE NATION ON THE PLANET?


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