I'm Back!

Well I took a little time off (As if I get paid). I would like to start by saying to everyone who stood in disagreement over the past election cycle, thank you. I also want to take this time to explain what I feel is the reason those who voted for McCain will soon be relieved he in fact lost.

Our new president will create a plan using his energy policy that will in comparison, dwarf in size and scope that of the "New Deal". I submit it will be so comprehensive few will understand its impact for several years. The best way to explain its purpose is to demonstrate how and why it is needed NOW and not later.

For as long as we can remember we have neglected all things related to this nations infrastructure/future. The motto has been the same all across the land, be it in local, state, or federal governments. That motto was, "If we invest in those things now we will not be able to maintain all the services the people demand without creating the means to pay for those services". In other words let the next guy worry about it, so I can appear to be a more profitable and successful politician. In politics an attitude has been allowed to develop that taxes are evil and a great way to get elected is for a candidate to claim he or she can govern absent new taxes. I understand there is tremendous waste in government, so unless we as a nation DEMAND that waste be reined in we must accept that the alternative is higher taxes/fees for the services we have come to expect. Obama's plan will address many if not all of these concerns, the proof of this is seen in his cabinet picks. One must read between the lines as to the reason for the particular people picked to fill each spot. I will elaborate more in a bit as for now I must run for a while.


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