An odd event

I wanted to share something that happened to me several years ago while working security at Albany Medical Center in Albany, NY. I share this for two reasons. First, I would like to know if I am wrong for being disturbed by this? And second, does anyone know if this is this a normal/regularly occurring event?

Part of our job as security was to allow access to the morgue after hours for those who might ever need it.
One night I was sent to allow a ob/pediatrics nurse into the morgue to retrieve a baby which was to be taken back up to the mother several hours after the birth/death. Mind you, I unlocked the door to allow the nurse into the morgue to seek out a baby that was born dead or died during birth or on the outside died shortly after birth. I point that out because I am not totally sure of the nature of the death. Anyway, I then had to walk with the nurse back to her floor as some sort of escort; I assume because there was a body involved. I can't remember if I was also the person sent to allow for the baby's return back to the morgue. Or perhaps I am blocking that memory.
Anyway, any thoughts on the matter?


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