
It seemed as if this day would never come. For what feels like an eternity I have looked forward to this day. Not "forward" as in just looking ahead in time but more in tune with looking forward to a new vision, a new date with destiny. Now I sit waiting for the somewhat official results to pour in affirming what I have known for almost a year and a half...A great man will now lead us with his intelligence and compassion. He will lead us with his patience and his wisdom. Understanding that never again will we have this chance, the chance to either save or loose the greatest gift ever known to man. A gift know as The United States of America. In my short lifetime our nation has fallen from the most revered country on earth to a simply mediocre democracy that long ago lost its way. I absolutely could not care less who is to blame, I only know who is destined to repair this broken fragile experiment we call freedom. He will succeed because he must, he will succeed for he truly understands the magnitude of the problems we face. He will succeed for his vision comes from an awareness few before him have possessed and few after will understand. It has been said, all we needed was a leader. That leader is here, the time is now. You can call him Mr. President, but his grandma called him Barry. Thank you Barack Obama!


Anonymous said…
that i like David.....
Thank you for the comment....sorta drives me crazy to not know who posted it though...but I am still very thankful.
Anonymous said…
Keep drinking that Kool-aid........
Anonymous said…
keep drinking that Kool-aid....
This person was so excited to leave a comment he or she had to send it twice.

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