Here we go again.

The following information should scare the hell out of everyone.
Posted at about 12:30 PM today.
TEHRAN (Reuters) - Iran tested more missiles in the Gulf on Thursday, state media said, and the United States reminded Tehran that it was ready to defend its allies.
Washington, which accuses Tehran of seeking nuclear arms, said after Iran test-fired nine missiles on Wednesday there should be no more such tests if Iran wanted the world's trust.
U.S. leaders have not ruled out military options if diplomacy fails to assuage fears about Iran's nuclear program, which Tehran says is only to produce electricity.

Followed by this:

By MADLEN READ, AP Business Writer 6 minutes ago
NEW YORK - Oil prices rebounded sharply Thursday from their recent tumble of nearly $10 a barrel, as another missile launch in Iran heightened worries among traders that escalating political tensions in the Middle East could cut off supplies out of the region.
A day after Iran tested a missile capable of reaching Israel, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice warned the oil-producing nation that the United States will not back down in the face of threats against Israel. Iran then responded with another missile launch.

And now there is this: (CNN) -- Iran launched only one missile on Thursday, not a new full round of tests, a senior U.S. military source told CNN, citing the latest U.S. intelligence assessments.
Seven short- to medium-range missiles were fired on Wednesday, the U.S. believes.
Iranian media reported that Tehran fired a series of missiles on Thursday in a second day of long-range missile testing, but the U.S. military official said American radar and satellite data do not back the claim. It is possible that Iran tested short-range missiles on Thursday, the source added.

SIDE NOTE- The last CNN article post was 3 mins ago. when I started this blog entry it was because the info directly above actually stated that the source claimed "there were NO tests TODAY"...but in the time it took me to copy and paste the first two articles(2 mins) the last story was changed/updated to reflect the "New" info....
The initial point of this blog post was to lay out the new project for war in Iran and how OIL is along for the ride.
Any thoughts?


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