Kicking ass is cool.

On Tuesday John McCain was asked by a reporter about trade policy with Iran, current policy is supposed to be that trade is limited to Medical, and Agricultural shipments. When asked his thoughts on why exports to Iran increased by 10 fold under the Bush administration with the largest export being cigarettes McCain responded with "Maybe that is a way of killin 'em".
I actually saw and heard the interview....he said right after that that he was only kidding....but given the current issues regarding Iran is he really just kidding or is it a sign of things to come?Furthermore if that were something said by a democrat they would be hammered in the press...this is simply because the democrats have failed to stand up for their points of view out of fear for being portrayed as soft on whatever it is the conservatives are selling that day. How many times must we see the results of the ass kicking before we understand human nature (Animals in general) is to dominate. That is why the runt usually dies off. I know humans are smart enough to counter that but at the start you must at least defend yourself even if you don't attack.


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