Wake up Stupid Asses !!!

Well it seems as if the "hope" I tried to maintain for the future of our nation and how it will relate to the rest of the world is fading fast. Everyone I meet and speak to these days has either given up, or has no clue about what is happening around them in our country. Gone are the days when citizens questioned their leaders, instead we simply accept as fact whatever we are told on CNN or to whatever outlet we may subscribe. Over the last twenty years or so we have become a nation all about "ME" or "I", what can I get or what about ME. What happened to humanity? We will step over a homeless man to get to a Starbucks. Contrary to popular thought, (Which is how people make themselves feel better for being greedy heartless assholes) all homeless are NOT there because they WANT to be...if you think that you are a fucking idiot. Even if half were there because they wanted to be that still leaves way to fucking many that don't want to be, you fucking moron.
Also we continue to piss away good money after bad in Iraq. Don't get me wrong I love war, I really do. The United States of America is good at it and with today's world we better be. But when you are in a battle that has no clear goal, or that goal comes at to high of a price you have to change the plan. Example, when Bush Sr. "Liberated" Kuwait we were asked to do it and we were PAID to do it. Compare that to today, we are spending an average of 100 BILLION DOLLARS A YEAR IN IRAQ. Yet the Iraqis pay about .40 cents a gallon for fuel. We could not broker peace elsewhere in the Middle East, yet we think we can force it in Iraq. These retards have been killing each other sense the beginning of time. Yet because we are all so scared to speak our minds we keep on pretending their fight for GOD'S sake is a smart and acceptable idea. By the way how many GODS are there? I think my GOD can kick your GOD'S ASS!!! Wait I don't have a GOD. Everyone is to stupid to see we have lost more soldiers in Iraq than lives in NY on 9/11. Not to mention Bin Laden has never been to Iraq EVER!! WAKE UP PEOPLE. Everyone open Google and type in this search...... 16 words .... read it as many times as it takes to help your pea brains understand what our country has been through and will go through in the future if we keep the blinders on.
Also on a side note, just because you are a Democrat or a Republican does not make your guy right about everything. Try looking at the BIG picture, the totality of the facts, what the entire message of the candidate will mean for the future of our nation. Not just what the news tells you to think. Everyone uses flawed logic to pick their candidate, they simply pull out the parts they agree with and ignore the really important parts...that is to say the parts that might be far more damaging to our future that whatever good they might try to do. It may sound stupid but it is true, you MUST make a choice based on who will do the least harm. And even then you might still get BUSHED.
I will part on this note, remember I warned about the housing issue some five years ago. I also told you that a few months before the election gas prices would start to go down. So, in light of that I am warning you now. Unless we as a nation totally overhaul our system of government (Make politicians answer to the people again) that is to say seriously force change (Even through violence if needed), and also restore the powers of the Constitution our country as we know it will fail within 25 years.


joyce said…
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Colette said…
but how do you 'really' feel?? :)
Colette said…
but how do you 'really' feel?? :)
Colette said…
but how do you 'reeeaaallly' feel? :)

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