
Showing posts from September 21, 2008

FactChecking Debate No. 1 September 27, 2008 Facts muddled in Mississippi McCain-Obama meeting. Summary McCain and Obama contradicted each other repeatedly during their first debate, and each volunteered some factual misstatements as well. Here’s how we sort them out: Obama said McCain adviser Henry Kissinger backs talks with Iran “without preconditions,” but McCain disputed that. In fact, Kissinger did recently call for “high level” talks with Iran starting at the secretary of state level and said, “I do not believe that we can make conditions.” After the debate the McCain campaign issued a statement quoting Kissinger as saying he didn’t favor presidential talks with Iran. Obama denied voting for a bill that called for increased taxes on “people” making as little as $42,000 a year, as McCain accused him of doing. McCain was right, though only for single taxpayers. A married couple would have had to make $83,000 to be affected by the vote, and anyway no such increase is in Obama’s tax ...

I found the SMELL!!

Well I guess now we can all figure out the REAL reason behind McCain's "Debate-gate". September 25, 2008 McCain camp to propose postponing VP debate Posted: 10:44 AM ET From CNN Correspondent Dana Bash (CNN) — McCain supporter Sen. Lindsey Graham tells CNN the McCain campaign is proposing to the Presidential Debate Commission and the Obama camp that if there's no bailout deal by Friday, the first presidential debate should take the place of the VP debate, currently scheduled for next Thursday, October 2 in St. Louis. In this scenario, the vice presidential debate between Joe Biden and Sarah Palin would be rescheduled for a date yet to be determined, and take place in Oxford, Mississippi, currently slated to be the site of the first presidential face off this Friday. Graham says the McCain camp is well aware of the position of the Obama campaign and the debate commission that the debate should go on as planned — but both he and another senior McCain adviser insist the ...

What's that smell?

Well I will now make another BOLD prediction....even with the news below John McCain will not debate tomorrow night. He will say one of two things (Hell maybe he will use both). 1. Because the president has yet to actually receive the bill for signing into law (Currently the bill has been agreed upon by congress, now in this case the president will review it and if all is well he will send it back for a vote, then after it gets a pass vote it will go back to the president to be signed into law) he will not resume his campaign and go ahead with the debate. Or 2. Due to the time lost in confronting this crisis for the American people, I can not in good conscience proceed with this debate as I would not do the citizens I represent justice and present the best debate they so richly deserve. Lawmakers: Financial bailout agreement reached By JULIE HIRSCHFELD DAVIS and DAVID ESPO, Associated Press Writers 9 minutes ago WASHINGTON - Warned that time was running short to bolster the distresse...

The End is Near.

I want to write something about the current situation involving the postponement of the upcoming presidential debate, but I am so angry I can't think straight. Why would a candidate decide to announce two days before the most important debate in US history, that he in fact wants to re-schedule that event so he can address an issue that he has had no actual interest or idea how to resolve for the last few weeks as the crisis has been unfolding. Anyone with HALF a brain would understand that this crisis is not going to solve itself in two or three days and considering the economy is controlled to a very large degree by emotion and the perceptions of those who deal in that realm. MORE good will come farther down the line by allowing all those interested to hear what each possible future leader will bring to the table when they are in fact actually in charge. Let's just imagine that they both go to Washington to supposedly "Fix" this crisis, and weather it works or not th...