What a joke.
People actually wonder if she is ready to serve as our Vice President. Take a look at the video linked below. Which is followed by the actual constitutional duties of the VP pulled straight from the US Senate web-page. In case you don't feel like reading, let me assure the President of the Senate has no hand in creating legislation other than to break a tie vote. Political influence is not the same thing. http://www.cnn.com/video/?JSONLINK=/video/politics/2008/10/22/sot.palin.vp.role.kusa Vice-Presidential Duties The framers also devoted scant attention to the vice president's duties, providing only that he "shall be President of the Senate, but shall have no Vote, unless they be evenly divided" (Article I, section 3). In practice, the number of times vice presidents have exercised this right has varied greatly. John Adams holds the record at 29 votes, followed closely by John C. Calhoun with 28. Since the 1870s, however, no vice president has cast as many as 10 tie-b...