Try to keep up.
Please, everyone try to understand there are in fact people out there that ARE smarter than you. Just because you have the right to vote does not make you either well informed or intelligent. For those of you to stupid to understand the re-distribution of taxes be it through changes to current tax breaks or cuts is not the same as socialistic re-distributions of wealth, please allow me to help you. You can not count money you might have earned absent whatever the tax costs incurred as "income/wealth". There are no loop holes for the middle and low income groups. Obama's tax plan will simply close many unfair loop holes for large corporations and the wealthy, while giving tax cuts/breaks to those who EARN less. You can not take what was never given, the withdrawal of tax breaks for the wealthy is not the same as TAKING money from the rich and giving it to the poor. For if it were not for those tax breaks that money would already belong to every citizen in the nation. Notice Colin Powell's idea on socialism. Also in case you didn't notice the $150 billion just invested into banks/banking by the current president is actually the definition of socialism.