In your core.
I was adding a few videos to my MySpace page today when it occurred to me every person has something that makes them who/what they are deep in their soul. After a little more thought I determined that there are two things that define me. When you are deciding what you think makes you who or what you are, the test must be; if you took that thing away or it never existed how different would you be?
The first item would have to be fatherhood, from the time I was in my late teens I planned what kind of a father I would be. If a man lives his entire life and all he ever accomplishes is being the best father he can, then he will die more wealthy than any amount of money could ever make him.
The other item is a desire for knowledge, when I was 3 or 4 years old I remember learning to read much on my own, from signs on the roadways and billboards. All my life I have read most everything I could get my hands on...even telephone books. It is the thing I push most on my daughters even now. Sometime long ago in my college career, an English class I was taking was doing a research paper on whatever each student decided. Part of the process was to go around the room and tell what your paper was going to be about, and then talk about it as a class. Someone actually asked me "How do you know something about almost every topic mentioned"? I responded, because I read any and everything....that might explain why I am always looking for new jobs to do. I have been a corrections officer, a firefighter, a pest control technician, a cook, a counselor, and a juvenile detention officer. I helped install the telephone system at the Mirage in Las Vegas, I was a press operator for 2 newspapers and an asst press foreman for a 3rd. I have even worked private security. Plus, I am sure there are a few other jobs I can't remember. I tried many of these jobs just to see if I could do them, and be good at them as well. (So far so good) Now the big task is college and then Law School...reached the 100 credits mark finally, almost finished.
So I guess if I lost either of those two things from my life I would surely be a different person, that actually scares me to imagine.
So feel free to respond with your core, or comment on mine....
The first item would have to be fatherhood, from the time I was in my late teens I planned what kind of a father I would be. If a man lives his entire life and all he ever accomplishes is being the best father he can, then he will die more wealthy than any amount of money could ever make him.
The other item is a desire for knowledge, when I was 3 or 4 years old I remember learning to read much on my own, from signs on the roadways and billboards. All my life I have read most everything I could get my hands on...even telephone books. It is the thing I push most on my daughters even now. Sometime long ago in my college career, an English class I was taking was doing a research paper on whatever each student decided. Part of the process was to go around the room and tell what your paper was going to be about, and then talk about it as a class. Someone actually asked me "How do you know something about almost every topic mentioned"? I responded, because I read any and everything....that might explain why I am always looking for new jobs to do. I have been a corrections officer, a firefighter, a pest control technician, a cook, a counselor, and a juvenile detention officer. I helped install the telephone system at the Mirage in Las Vegas, I was a press operator for 2 newspapers and an asst press foreman for a 3rd. I have even worked private security. Plus, I am sure there are a few other jobs I can't remember. I tried many of these jobs just to see if I could do them, and be good at them as well. (So far so good) Now the big task is college and then Law School...reached the 100 credits mark finally, almost finished.
So I guess if I lost either of those two things from my life I would surely be a different person, that actually scares me to imagine.
So feel free to respond with your core, or comment on mine....