
Showing posts from September 28, 2008

DISGUSTED....Canada looks real nice.

If McCain will say this and still vote for the bill.........? I am absolutely disgusted by all parties involved. INCLUDING OBAMA. At least he didn't try to further his campaign on the back of this bill though. Has your McCain lied to you enough?


I will be satisfied when our nation no longer views this as astonishing and understands this is the way people are supposed to treat each other and in fact this used to be a way of life (Looking out for each other). And yeah I cried like a baby.

We have been McBushed again.

Here are two items that will allow you to compare statements when one is added to the other they equal a lie. McCain talks + Palin talks = LIE! How much must we endure before everyone admits his campaign is a joke? This was from her first unpolished ABC interview, before she was taught the correct responses. Taped September 11, 2008. Sarah Palin on 'the Bush Doctrine': GIBSON: We talk on the anniversary of 9/11. Why do you think those hijackers attacked? Why did they want to hurt us? PALIN: You know, there is a very small percentage of Islamic believers who are extreme and they are violent and they do not believe in American ideals, and they attacked us and now we are at a point here seven years later, on the anniversary, in this post-9/11 world, where we're able to commit to never again. They see that the only option for them is to become a suicide bomber, to get caught up in this evil, in this terror. They need to be provided the hope that all Americans have instilled in ...

I think I'll have a waffle.

I have done a bit more research on what I thought I had a pretty good grasp on, and think I might be shifting my position. Below will be an article that explains what I feel might be a better way to go on this whole "Bail-out" deal. My only concern is, if letting all of these questionable companies fend for themselves might that cause the same result we are being told to fear now? Let Risk-Taking Financial Institutions Fail By Ari J. Officer and Lawrence H. Officer Monday, Sep. 29, 2008 The Administration and Congress have felt compelled to do something about the "financial meltdown," so an inefficient and inequitable "bailout plan" has been rushed through the legislature despite harsh criticism from the right and left. That's unfortunate. Both presidential candidates were stalling by qualifying the plan. Whichever candidate had had the courage to reject outright this proposal would have had the better claim to be President. Do not be fooled. The $700...

Good for a laugh.

If you still think John McCain has the best decision making skills just watch these. His own party is now starting to call for Palin to step aside.

Do you have the answers?

In October 1929, only weeks after Yale economist (and investment trust director) Irving Fisher publicly announced that "stock prices have reached what looks like a permanently high plateau," and virtually on the day that J. P. Morgan partner Thomas W. Lamont reassured President Herbert Hoover that "there is nothing in the present situation to suggest that the normal economic forces ... are not still operative and adequate," the New York Stock Exchange crashed.' Over the next few months the market continued dropping, and a general economic decline took hold.2 As sales plummeted, industry after industry laid off workers and cut wages. Farm and commodity prices tumbled, outpacing price declines in other parts of the economy. A tidal wave of bankruptcies engulfed businessmen, farmers, and a middle class that had only recently awakened to the joys of installment buying.

I was wrong.

I have made the statement on several occasions that John McCain would not debate Obama fairly and head to head. I see now I was wrong, and I am glad I was. Despite my thoughts on all of the items in the debate, overall I was impressed McCain did as well as he did. That is to say he only looked mildly out witted as opposed to most other times he speaks.

We have all been McCained....

Please read this , I know in the past I have made statements that eluded to the stupidity of the general population in our country. I will admit while I still have my doubts I certainly hope I am very wrong. If everyone will listen with an open mind and an intelligent ear you will understand what is the "truth. No matter who tells it or what it is they tell, the truth will always be that...the truth (Original quote). I am going to break this down to a basic level, John McCain is not very intelligent, all he has to hold onto is war. He has no idea what the real world faces everyday. He has allowed his truly good nature to be corrupted by those running his campaign who gain vast incomes from war, the war machine, and Wall Street. Which by the way are the same people that enabled Bush to be elected or if you prefer appointed. He continues to push the idea that the only acceptable departure from Iraq is through victory. I submit that to give the Iraqis a timetable for when we will no...

A sad day to be the GOP.

I hope everyone is paying attention. Joe Biden tells it like it really is. Biden: ‘A good night for us’ Sept. 26: Democratic vice presidential candidate Joe Biden applauds Barack Obama’s repeated comparison of John McCain to President Bush, and feels Obama passed the “Commander-in-chief” test in this debate.