We have all been McCained....

Please read this, I know in the past I have made statements that eluded to the stupidity of the general population in our country. I will admit while I still have my doubts I certainly hope I am very wrong. If everyone will listen with an open mind and an intelligent ear you will understand what is the "truth. No matter who tells it or what it is they tell, the truth will always be that...the truth (Original quote).
I am going to break this down to a basic level, John McCain is not very intelligent, all he has to hold onto is war. He has no idea what the real world faces everyday. He has allowed his truly good nature to be corrupted by those running his campaign who gain vast incomes from war, the war machine, and Wall Street. Which by the way are the same people that enabled Bush to be elected or if you prefer appointed. He continues to push the idea that the only acceptable departure from Iraq is through victory. I submit that to give the Iraqis a timetable for when we will no longer put our troops in danger and no longer spend our nation into economic crisis is not admitting defeat it is demanding the victory that can only come from a self sustained free democracy in Iraq. John McCain claims that (A free democratic Iraq) is what everyone wants, yet he never states how he plans to accomplish that. The "Surge" was only a quick fix to control the violence.
He claims to be for the little guy yet he will not waiver on the continued tax breaks for those making over $250,000 a year. He bellows about this being a free market and that is what's best. Has anyone wondered why under the current "free" market only those with great wealth seem to be living in a, as McCain put it some 2 weeks ago "Fundamentally Sound" economic market? The rest of us have know for some two or three years something was very wrong. Now it turns out all that money that was being made in the what I like to call "New Free Market", was all a hoax. Smoke and mirrors meant to falsely inflate corporate profits allowing some less than honest companies to appear like sound investments to the analysts. This, so all the fat cats can make hundreds of millions in bonuses and stock options in the short term, while planning their escape somewhere down the road before the balloon burst. So only now after all the bad investments and outright lies have boiled over do we see the "concern" for the economy. It was fine when we were the only ones suffering, funny thing is a very simple economic principle of "equal taxation without representation" has "Corrected" the free market. And who is going to pay for this plan? All of those who have been underrepresented by the current White House and all the GOP that has "Shredded" the very regulations that were put in place to allow this market to correct itself the way the "New Deal" intended it to.



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