
Showing posts from 2011

A New Beginning.

I am sitting in a Wendy's restaurant while my family shops for gifts nearby. I bought a large order of fries to snack on while I wait and use the free wi-fi. I had eaten about half before they were cold, so I started to throw the rest away. When I got up to do so an older man who had been sitting nearby with a woman I assume to be his wife, asked if he could have the fries I was throwing away. I obviously said yes...and after the initial shock I went to talk to the manager. I explained what had just happened and I thought they may be homeless or at least without money for food. I then gave her money to buy them as many items from the "value menu" as $10 could buy. I know it may not be much but I hope it will help them feel a little better even if only for one day. Many heartless souls will say they are freeloaders or they perhaps created the situation that has put them where they are. To those people I say good luck if and when there is a judgement day. A little back sto...

Fear Not

Fear Not By: David Pittman Twenty-four years ago I learned that being gay was no different than being straight. I became aware that sports were not simply what everyone assumes to be a “manly activity”. I learned that gay men were no less manly just because they are gay. I learned that gay men do not in fact find all other men; including those who are not gay attractive, and thus they do not want to molest them. I learned that straight men can never understand the stigma (that comes often from within) from not being, what others view as “normal”. I learned that parents who do not teach acceptance, are not much different than those who teach hate and fear. From the outside looking in you may think you understand me, or at least that you want to try. That being said, I should warn you first that everything you may think you know; you are most likely mistaken. Of course that is normally the case when society tries to understand the gay community. So I might add, instead of trying...

An odd event

I wanted to share something that happened to me several years ago while working security at Albany Medical Center in Albany, NY. I share this for two reasons. First, I would like to know if I am wrong for being disturbed by this? And second, does anyone know if this is this a normal/regularly occurring event? Part of our job as security was to allow access to the morgue after hours for those who might ever need it. One night I was sent to allow a ob/pediatrics nurse into the morgue to retrieve a baby which was to be taken back up to the mother several hours after the birth/death. Mind you, I unlocked the door to allow the nurse into the morgue to seek out a baby that was born dead or died during birth or on the outside died shortly after birth. I point that out because I am not totally sure of the nature of the death. Anyway, I then had to walk with the nurse back to her floor as some sort of escort; I assume because there was a body involved. I can't remember if ...

Firm dissolves after giving pro-Romney PAC $1M -

Firm dissolves after giving pro-Romney PAC $1M -

8/1/2011 Countdown With Keith Olberman Special Comment

  8/1/2011 Countdown With Keith Olberman Special Comment I close, as promised, with a Special Comment on the debt deal. Our government has now given up the concept of right and wrong. We have, in this deal, declared that we hold these truths to be self-evident: that all political incumbents are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Re-nomination, re-election, and the pursuit of hypocrisy. We have, in this deal, gone from the Four Freedoms to the Four Great Hypocrisies. We have superceded Congress to facilitate 750 billion dollars in domestic cuts including Medicare in order to end an artificially-induced political hostage crisis over debt, originating from the bills run up by a Republican president who funneled billions of taxpayer dollars to the military-industrial complex by unfunded, unnecessary, and unproductive wars, en...

Please help me grow my Blog.

I have created a mailing list of people from my contacts who will be notified whenever I post to my Blog. I am asking those on that list to help me out by reading the Blog, spreading the word and Blog, and also provide feedback. If you are absolutely against this request please let me know and I will remove you from said list. Thank you in advance regardless of your decision.

Everybody Hang On!

It appears one of three things is set to occur in Washington D.C. in the next few days. The president will either give the GOP what they want (large cuts to social programs that help the poor while continuing the lower tax rates for the wealthy and to subsidize oil company profits) with nothing in return, just to raise the nations debt limit (thus saving of economy). Or perhaps he will wait until the last minute and when it is undeniable the GOP will stop at nothing to win in 2012 he will then use the cover of the 14th amendment to bypass congress and force the supreme court to show us once again just how anti-citizen they really have become. The third potential outcome is that the deadline or deadlines set by whomever will pass and the credit ratings and bond ratings will be lowered and send our economy along with the worlds into a tailspin that might not be recoverable. No matter how this plays out the GOP wins, as their wealthy marionettes will...

Life goes on.

I have not posted for several months, much has changed in that time.  I am no longer attending law school.  While I managed to pass all of my classes for the first year, I was unable to maintain the required G.P.A. I am now trying to regain my bearings and figure out what is next. I still feel a bit lost and disappointed, but life goes on. Stay tuned for more insight and wisdom (according to me) regarding the current state of affairs in our country.

I'm Back!!!!

I am back. I said in my last post, the Tea-Party would be my next blog. I have changed my mind, I will instead update the blogging world with my current standing in life. I am now in MA attending the Massachusetts School of Law. I am awaiting my first semester grades to make sure I will be allowed to continue on with the endeavor. It takes much to long to get the previous semester's grades. We have already begun the second semester and will not have the prior grades for several weeks still. Anyway, all I can do for now is keep going and hope my grades are well enough to continue. I now know what I face and will never be in doubt again about my grades being well enough. More very soon.