Here comes more terror.

Everyone needs to pay attention to the current renewed hype over labeling Iran as a terrorist group...that is the way Bush created the current war in Iraq. With the new laws after 9/11 it allows the President to bypass congress more than ever and allows him to hide more information and detain those they deem "Enemy Combatants"(until the federal courts decide what an acceptable time limit should be). If I could stress just one thing it would be...EVERYTHING is related....


Anonymous said…
call a spade a spade...and a terrorist a terrorist. If someone rapes they are a rapist. If someone kills they are a murderer. If someone steals they are a thief. If someone (even a government)commits acts of terror, then they are terrorists.
The enemy of our enemy is our friend. At the start of the war in Afghanistan the US and Iran worked together. Iran wanted the Taliban removedkilled as much as we did. The US caused the current situation in Iran. If you really wanna know the story go here...might take some time of your life but your brain will thank you and so will I.
Anonymous said…
Friend? -or- Madman? Ahmadinejad did not come to power until June of 2005...the US invaded Afghanistan in Oct 2001. He was not the president nor was he a part of US and Iran working together when Iran was "our friend". Ahmadinejad is the catalist of the current situation in Iraq not the US. He says Iran has a right to have nuclear energy. I agree. However, nuclear "energy" doesn't require the test firing of missiles. These are two very different uses of nuclear power. Your PBS link even states that he is a "fiery populist who wants to assert Iran's influence across the middle east" and also speaks about Iran's backing of Shi'a militias against our troops in Iraq.

Try these links:

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad predicted yesterday that Israel will soon be "erased" and that the "satanic power of the United States" will be "annihilated," according to reports from Tehran.

His comments that Israel should be "wiped off the map" and that the Holocaust was a "myth" drew widespread condemnation from the West.
The following news article is the only reason we have issues with Iran. Also you can't label a recognized state/country as a terrorist group. Specially when the threat is based on what they "Might" do.

Market full of oil, price trend "fake": Ahmadinejad By Hashem Kalentari
Tue Jun 17, 2:59 AM ET

The market is full of oil and the rising price trend is "fake and imposed," Iran's president said on Tuesday, partly blaming a weak U.S. dollar which he said was being pushed lower on purpose.

"At a time when the growth of consumption is lower than the growth of production and the market is full of oil, prices are rising and this trend is completely fake and imposed," President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said in a televised speech.

"It is very clear that visible and invisible hands are controlling prices in a fake way with political and economic aims," he said when opening a meeting of the OPEC Fund for International Development in the central Iranian city of Isfahan.

Iran, the world's fourth-largest oil exporter, has repeatedly said the market is well-supplied with crude and blames rising prices on speculation, a weak U.S. currency and geopolitical factors.

"As you know the decrease in the dollar's value and the increase in energy prices are two sides of the same coin which are being introduced as factors behind the recent instability," Ahmadinejad said.

Oil steadied on Tuesday after touching a record near $140 the previous day, with traders caught between a weaker dollar and expectations that top exporter Saudi Arabia will ramp up output to its highest rate in decades.

Iran has often said it sees no need for the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) to boost output.


Ahmadinejad reiterated his view that oil should be sold in a basket of currencies rather than U.S. dollars, an idea which has failed to win over other OPEC members, except Venezuela.

"The ever-increasing decrease in the dollar's value is one of the world's major problems," he said.

"A combination of the world's valid currencies should become a basis for oil transactions or (OPEC) member countries should determine a new currency for oil transactions," he said.

Iran, embroiled in a standoff with the West over its nuclear program, has for more than two years been increasing its sales of oil for currencies other than the dollar, saying the weak U.S. currency is eroding its purchasing power.

Ahmadinejad, who in the past has called the dollar a "worthless piece of paper," suggested "some big powers" were driving it lower on purpose:

"The planners for some big powers are acting to decrease the dollar's value," he said. "For years they imposed inflation and their own economic problems to other nations by injecting the dollar without any support to the global economy."

Foes since Iran's 1979 Islamic revolution, Tehran and Washington are also at odds over Tehran's disputed nuclear activities as well as over policy in Iraq. Iran says its atomic work is peaceful.

(Additional reporting by Zahra Hosseinian in Tehran; Writing by Fredrik Dahl; Editing by William Hardy)
While it might appear I am taking sides, I really am not. I just want to show there are always more points of view than first thought.
Here is something most people never hear about.

Among the"Hilltop People"
They're a new group of young radical Jewish settlers who have illegally occupied over 100 remote outposts in the West Bank since 2000. They identify with the Kahanist ideology that calls for violent Jewish self-defense and expelling all Arabs from the Holy Land.

A Plot That Shocked All of Israel
What began as a chance arrest one night became the biggest breakthrough in the Security Services' battle against Jewish terrorists. Members of a terror cell in the settlement of Bat Ayin are caught trying to bomb a girls' school in East Jerusalem at the busiest time in the morning.

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