Is everyone stupid anymore?

I made a statement many many years ago, some of my friends might remember. I said then and still believe, television has been the greatest invention ever known to mankind, and will also be its downfall. When I was a child I very much remember the news and ads on television were presented more as a learning experience, more for information. Compare that to now where everything you see from commercials, to news, to reality TV is a deadly serious attempt to create a situation where people buy and consume without even realizing what they have done. This mindset presents a world that wonders aimlessly, waiting to be told what to do next and how to feel about their surroundings. Gone are the days when people questioned their leaders and looked beyond the headlines to seek out the hidden or less than obvious meaning in the world today. Why are there no more vocal passionate leaders or speakers? Wake up people, smarten up. Question what you hear, question even harder what you are told. If this does not start soon we are all destined to slide into a fog of stupid!


Anonymous said…
I just really like how you put this and I agree. I've done it myself on more than one occassion, I just accept the things I hear at times and come to find out they were wrong. With more and more avenues of communication these days and the competition factor, it seems it would be foolhardy to just take what the news says at face value anymore. It's important to imagine that with the rush to get the latest buzz out there and circulating, mistakes are going to be made and sources may not always be accurate. It happens more often than it should. Question everything.

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