Evil Axes

Hillary Clinton takes a substantial number of voters (female voters). John McBush names Palin as his number 2 dummy. Obama becomes the first black president, RNC names its first black (not to many to choose from) leader. Obama puts forth a plan to save our nation, what is the counter response...before I show you let me warn you...it is not a different/better plan. It is not even a plan at all. Take a look.

Senator calls Obama 'world’s best salesman of socialism'
Posted: 10:23 AM ET
WASHINGTON (CNN) – Another prominent Republican told the Conservative Political Action Conference on Friday that the president’s spending plans are pushing the country to the brink of socialism.
Sen. Jim DeMint of South Carolina, the only member of the senate to earn a perfect rating from the American Conservative Union, called President Obama “the world’s best salesman of socialism” on Friday in describing his prime time speech earlier this week.
DeMint, a fierce opponent of government expansion, told the CPAC crowd that activists might have to “take to the streets to stop America’s slide into socialism.”
His remarks comes a day after Mike Huckabee told the conference of conservative activists that “the Union of American Socialist Republics is being born” with the president’s stimulus package.
“Lenin and Stalin would love this stuff,” Huckabee said of the government bailing out financial institutions.

Wait, I am wrong; the answer offered by the Republican party to Obama "doing something to fix the problem" is to DO NOTHING.....sort of like what was done for the last 20 years that created this mess in the first place. And yes that includes Bill Clinton, because when times are good or getting better why rock the boat. Even when all signs point to an inevitable meltdown. But think about this, from January 20, 1969 until January 20, 2009 only 12 years involved a Democratic White House.

Don't get this wrong, it is not about agreement with Obama, it is about not offering another plan in response to what you don't like. How much proof must you see before you understand doing nothing is not an option? Either you are part of the solution or you are part of the problem...UNDERSTAND!!!!!!!!
Sure sounds familiar, if you lack ideas or vision simply scare the people into following your lead.


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