Sad Day for Thinkers.
Below is more of what we have grown to accept as normal events this election season. John McCain continues to LIE about so many things I have lost count. I will admit I have discovered some things told by the Obama side I wish were TOTALLY true as opposed to just telling just enough to make a point (Whereas if all was told the meaning might change). But it is a far cry from the absolute LIES that McCain is spreading. I am so disgusted by the blind eye and deaf ear of the national media outlets I am on the verge on becoming Canadian. I ONCE AGAIN REQUEST... NO I DARE!!!!!!! ALL TAKERS TO SEND ME ALL THE OUTRIGHT LIES ON BOTH SIDES OF THE CAMPAIGN YOU CAN FIND (FROM REAL SOURCES BBC, CNN, ASSOC. PRESS, UPI, ABC, NBC, CBS....ECT.) I ASSURE YOU YOU WILL FIND FAR LESS FROM THE LEFT.
Here is part of the story from the link below.
By BETH FOUHY, Associated Press Writer 15 minutes ago
GREEN BAY, Wis. - Republican John McCain said Friday the Federal Reserve needs to stop bailing out failed financial institutions. The Republican presidential hopeful said the Fed should get back to "its core business of responsibly managing our money supply and inflation" and he laid out several recommendations for stabilizing markets in the financial crisis that has rocked Wall Street and commanded the dialogue in the presidential campaign. McCain made little mention of the massive proposal being crafted by Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson that could amount to a $1 trillion taxpayer bailout of the mortgage industry. McCain said simply that leaders should put aside partisan differences and "any action should be designed to keep people in their homes and safeguard the life savings of all Americans."........
.........The Arizona senator again criticized Democratic rival Barack Obama for ties to Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae and for advocating tax increases McCain said would "turn a recession into a depression."
Obama has said he would raise taxes on people making over $250,000 a year and would cut taxes on the middle class. McCain restated his claim that Obama had voted to raise taxes on people who make just $42,000 a year — a claim that has been widely debunked by nonpartisan fact check organizations.
McCain noted the Illinois senator had taken large campaign contributions from both Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and that the one-time head of Obama's vice presidential search team, (Not to be confused with McCain's chief economic policy advisor Phil Gramm) Jim Johnson, had received a multimillion-dollar severance deal after stepping down as Fannie Mae CEO.
"Maybe just this once he could spare us the lectures, and admit to his own poor judgment in contributing to these problems," McCain said of Obama........;_ylt=ApTbIh052RXGNqxyMdPbvJBh24cA
Here is part of the story from the link below.
By BETH FOUHY, Associated Press Writer 15 minutes ago
GREEN BAY, Wis. - Republican John McCain said Friday the Federal Reserve needs to stop bailing out failed financial institutions. The Republican presidential hopeful said the Fed should get back to "its core business of responsibly managing our money supply and inflation" and he laid out several recommendations for stabilizing markets in the financial crisis that has rocked Wall Street and commanded the dialogue in the presidential campaign. McCain made little mention of the massive proposal being crafted by Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson that could amount to a $1 trillion taxpayer bailout of the mortgage industry. McCain said simply that leaders should put aside partisan differences and "any action should be designed to keep people in their homes and safeguard the life savings of all Americans."........
.........The Arizona senator again criticized Democratic rival Barack Obama for ties to Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae and for advocating tax increases McCain said would "turn a recession into a depression."
Obama has said he would raise taxes on people making over $250,000 a year and would cut taxes on the middle class. McCain restated his claim that Obama had voted to raise taxes on people who make just $42,000 a year — a claim that has been widely debunked by nonpartisan fact check organizations.
McCain noted the Illinois senator had taken large campaign contributions from both Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and that the one-time head of Obama's vice presidential search team, (Not to be confused with McCain's chief economic policy advisor Phil Gramm) Jim Johnson, had received a multimillion-dollar severance deal after stepping down as Fannie Mae CEO.
"Maybe just this once he could spare us the lectures, and admit to his own poor judgment in contributing to these problems," McCain said of Obama........;_ylt=ApTbIh052RXGNqxyMdPbvJBh24cA