Bush wacked.
First let me start by saying to all of you, please do not fall for one of the oldest tricks in politics.... reading the polls and thinking that this is "all but a lock" because the poll numbers say so. The republicans want you to believe the poll numbers, even though the numbers might be absolutely wrong. GO VOTE ANYWAY!!!!!!!!!! THE WORST THING WOULD BE TO THINK WE HAVE IT SO LOCKED UP THAT ENOUGH PEOPLE STAY HOME ON ELECTION DAY TO ALLOW MCCAIN AND THE GOP TO STEAL ANOTHER ELECTION!!!!!!!!!!! And for those who think your vote doesn't matter, about half of all states now mandate their electoral votes go to the popular vote winner. So it does matter, look it up!!!!!
Next, has anyone else noticed that it seems as if every major catastrophe that has faced our nation for the past 28 years gas had a Bush or a Bush relative in the mix... IE all the Gulf wars/conflicts, Enron, Saudi Oil deals/scams, 2000 election, Iran Contra, Saddam Hussein's war machine (Regan's VP George Bush Sr helped broker deals for weapons to fight Iran even before he was VP he used to head the CIA) A Bush relative ran the security company that handled the World Trade Towers. Read the link below and notice......George H. Walker, President Bush's cousin ...........is involved in this newest crime.
Don't believe me do the research.
Next, has anyone else noticed that it seems as if every major catastrophe that has faced our nation for the past 28 years gas had a Bush or a Bush relative in the mix... IE all the Gulf wars/conflicts, Enron, Saudi Oil deals/scams, 2000 election, Iran Contra, Saddam Hussein's war machine (Regan's VP George Bush Sr helped broker deals for weapons to fight Iran even before he was VP he used to head the CIA) A Bush relative ran the security company that handled the World Trade Towers. Read the link below and notice......George H. Walker, President Bush's cousin ...........is involved in this newest crime.
Don't believe me do the research.