Stop asking Wall Street.

I am wondering how long it will take before everyone catches on and stops asking or listening to the very people who either 1. Make their living on Wall Street (brokers, investors, etc.) or 2. Make their living because of Wall Street (Analysts, consultants, etc.) what they think, or what should you do with your investments. These are the people responsible in some form or another for the crisis we now face. If you owned a hen house and it was being guarded by a fox and discovered 80% of your chickens were missing...would you ask the fox what happened and should you continue to add more chickens into the hen house? How many cases of fraud and theft do you have to hear before you catch on? Pull your investments and cash out and force those who made the bad loans and investments to face the music. Otherwise all you are doing is allowing them to correct their books on your dime AGAIN...remember the bail-out bill?


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