What next?

I find myself in a spot, a spot between doing what pays the bills and wanting to do what stirs the soul. Maybe I should just be thankful for the ability to "pay the bills". Perhaps I should embrace this spot I find myself in and simply rest my mind, easier said than done I assure you.

I have always felt I have something to offer the world or at least some part of the world anyway. As well, I have always taken pride in what I am told is my ability to reason and communicate with those who may have drastically differing views than I. As I've gotten older I realize some people don't really want to be reasoned with. So I imagine a better course might be to focus on being a problem solver in whatever capacity I find can do the most good. 

That being said, I am hoping for input and ideas as to what others think that may be. Let me know what you think please.


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