
Showing posts from 2008


Never will a man be more successful than to be a good father. I may be speaking with a bias simply because I have the greatest daughters. It really is true. I don't say it because they are mine and everyone says that about their children, I say it because they've proven it every day. They have been through so much, and yet they remain honor roll students their whole lives. They treat others with respect and kindness just as they would want to be treated. I admire them very much, they will never know how much joy I feel watching as they grow up...learn... and become young adults. Some day I hope to give them what they have given me....The World...

Poem: My Tears.

My Tears by: David Pittman Like the river of life, they stream down my face. My Tears. Filled with the worry and pain, wondering if I am on the right track. My Tears Holding the joy of beholding my daughters, smiles. My Tears Am I the best father, can I be a better husband, who wants me as a friend. My Tears Can I change the world, change my world, or just change a life. My Tears They come to often, they come to easy, why do they even come at all. My Tears Am I crazy, am I less of a man, or could I be more. My Tears Copyright ©2008 David Pittman

The Future is Now. Yes We Can.

I will continue in my efforts to share my Kool-Aid, below is a new web site for Americans to take part in their government in a way never before seen in politics. I took a class last semester called "Campaign and Elections." It was a great look into the process of electing the leaders of our nation at all levels. The strangest thing is how little information there was out there in regards to electronic media and its role in the process. I can't remember if professor Hildreth was as certain as I about this issue but, I said it then and many times after that the Internet is and will continue to be the largest single factor in future elections especially in national contests. Current research done by Pew research shows the following: Source for Campaign News . Online, e-mail, text=46% Cable News=39% Newspapers=34% Network News=29% So there is your proof, and here is the link.


It seemed as if this day would never come. For what feels like an eternity I have looked forward to this day. Not "forward" as in just looking ahead in time but more in tune with looking forward to a new vision, a new date with destiny. Now I sit waiting for the somewhat official results to pour in affirming what I have known for almost a year and a half...A great man will now lead us with his intelligence and compassion. He will lead us with his patience and his wisdom. Understanding that never again will we have this chance, the chance to either save or loose the greatest gift ever known to man. A gift know as The United States of America. In my short lifetime our nation has fallen from the most revered country on earth to a simply mediocre democracy that long ago lost its way. I absolutely could not care less who is to blame, I only know who is destined to repair this broken fragile experiment we call freedom. He will succeed because he must, he will succeed for he truly u...

Please go vote!!!!!

Below is a comment posted to an article on can't remember what the article was about but it really is not important. I am begging someone to PLEASE find me a single item of printed, audio, or video material about McCain with the tone or level of ignorance as the one below and post it....please. Below is a prime example of what the McCain supporters have created and/or allowed to live on in their midst. Like the old saying goes; if you can't win based on ability and merit, then one should try to make your opponent look worse than you do. OK maybe I sorta made that up...but the idea is old. I will point out a few things from the article it will be in red as well. This is o ne of the saddest things I have ever read. As I have said before, yes the vote is your right. So too is the right of protection against self-incrimination and the right to remain silent. October 29th, 2008 12:31 pm ET Do you not wonder why Obama never says he is of mixed race, he is not AFRICA...

What a joke.

People actually wonder if she is ready to serve as our Vice President. Take a look at the video linked below. Which is followed by the actual constitutional duties of the VP pulled straight from the US Senate web-page. In case you don't feel like reading, let me assure the President of the Senate has no hand in creating legislation other than to break a tie vote. Political influence is not the same thing. Vice-Presidential Duties The framers also devoted scant attention to the vice president's duties, providing only that he "shall be President of the Senate, but shall have no Vote, unless they be evenly divided" (Article I, section 3). In practice, the number of times vice presidents have exercised this right has varied greatly. John Adams holds the record at 29 votes, followed closely by John C. Calhoun with 28. Since the 1870s, however, no vice president has cast as many as 10 tie-b...

Obama should not touch this story.

I am going to shock many of you....I simply don't think Palin did anything wrong in this instance. If you view it in the same context as the executive branch of the federal government, we understand and even expect to cover these types of expenses for the entire presidential family. This is not news, this is fodder. Which ever media mental giant that unearthed this tidbit owes their boss a few dollars. AP INVESTIGATION: Alaska funded Palin kids' travel By BRETT J. BLACKLEDGE, ADAM GOLDMAN and MATT APUZZO, Associated Press Writers Brett J. Blackledge, Adam Goldman And Matt Apuzzo, Associated Press Writers – 39 mins ago ANCHORAGE, Alaska – Gov. Sarah Palin charged the state for her children to travel with her, including to events where they were not invited, and later amended expense reports to specify that they were on official business. The charges included costs for hotel and commercial flights for three daughters to join Palin to watch their father in a snowmobile race, and a...

Explain this to me please.

I am going to give you two examples and you tell me which example belongs to whom. Plan one imposes a tax on profits of oil companies and then takes that tax and re-distributes that wealth to the people. The other plan removes tax breaks given to wealthy/billion dollar companies, thus allowing the people that work for those companies (who are making considerably less income) to pay less in tax and also receive additional tax credits to help off set the wage disparage in our nation. Who belongs to which plan. Here is a hint, one is much closer to socialism than the other. Also social services to low income families and people ie. Medicaid, Medicare, Food Assistance, Temporary Cash Assistance is not the same as socialism. Also paying into a large "pool" to acquire medical insurance is not socialism it is called Blue Cross Blue Shield, Etna, MVP, Cigna...oh wait that is private socialism for it has to be better than taking away the profit aspect to allow lowering co...

Try to keep up.

Please, everyone try to understand there are in fact people out there that ARE smarter than you. Just because you have the right to vote does not make you either well informed or intelligent. For those of you to stupid to understand the re-distribution of taxes be it through changes to current tax breaks or cuts is not the same as socialistic re-distributions of wealth, please allow me to help you. You can not count money you might have earned absent whatever the tax costs incurred as "income/wealth". There are no loop holes for the middle and low income groups. Obama's tax plan will simply close many unfair loop holes for large corporations and the wealthy, while giving tax cuts/breaks to those who EARN less. You can not take what was never given, the withdrawal of tax breaks for the wealthy is not the same as TAKING money from the rich and giving it to the poor. For if it were not for those tax breaks that money would already belong to every citizen in the nation. Not...

By the way.....

For those of you who still think war is the only patriotic display in government or citizenry here is something for you to ponder. On Sunday, former chairman of the joint chiefs of staff under George H.W. Bush (Desert Storm) and former secretary of state under George W. Bush, retired General Colin Powell made the following statement on NBC's "Meet the Press." "I think he is a transformational figure, he is a new generation coming onto the world stage, onto the American stage, and for that reason I'll be voting for Sen. Barack Obama," Powell said he was concerned about what he characterized as a recent negative turn of Republican candidate Sen. John McCain's campaign, such as the campaign's attempts to tie Obama to former 1960s radical Bill Ayers. "I think that's inappropriate. I understand what politics is about -- I know how you can go after one another, and that's good. But I think this goes too far, and I think it has made the McCain ...

More Proof! If you still needed any.

More proof John McCain is not looking out for you. Read on. AP IMPACT: Mortgage firm arranged stealth campaign By PETE YOST, Associated Press Writer Pete Yost, Associated Press Writer – 2 hrs 2 mins ago WASHINGTON – Freddie Mac secretly paid a Republican consulting firm $2 million to kill legislation that would have regulated and trimmed the mortgage finance giant and its sister company, Fannie Mae, three years before the government took control to prevent their collapse. In the cross hairs of the campaign carried out by DCI of Washington were Republican senators and a regulatory overhaul bill sponsored by Sen. Chuck Hagel, R-Neb. DCI's chief executive is Doug Goodyear, whom John McCain's campaign later hired to manage the GOP convention in September. Freddie Mac's payments to DCI began shortly after the Senate Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Committee sent Hagel's bill to the then GOP-run Senate on July 28, 2005. All GOP members of the committee supported it; all D...

President Obama...nice ring to it right?

Sounds like the cellulite challenged double X chromosome is starting to sing (Fat lady is singing). The end is near "My Friends". Read on. Buckley leaves National Review after Obama endorsement Posted: 06:56 PM ET From CNN Ticker Producer Alexander Mooney (CNN) — Christopher Buckley, the son of conservative icon William F. Buckley, said Tuesday he's resigned from the conservative National Review days after endorsing Barack Obama's White House bid, among the most powerful symbols yet of the conservative discontent expressed this election cycle. In an online column , Buckley said he had decided to offer his resignation from the magazine his father founded after hundreds of readers and some National Review colleagues expressed outrage he was backing the Illinois senator. "While I regret this development, I am not in mourning, for I no longer have any clear idea what, exactly, the modern conservative movement stands for," Buckley wrote. "Eight years of ...

The Greed goes on....

The real story here is how Citigroup is pretending to be mad about not getting Wachovia at a dollar a share as opposed to seven dollars a share. Now they just hope for the free payday. Citigroup Drops Bid to Block Wachovia Sale, Presses Ahead With $60 Billion Suit for Damages By Mark Hamblett October 14, 2008 Citigroup, Inc. may have abandoned its attempt to purchase the assets of Wachovia Corp. but continues to pursue its claim for $60 billion in damages.The focus in the latest manuevering was whether those claims belonged in federal or state court.Citigroup no longer is seeking to block the acquisition of Wachovia by Wells Fargo for $15 billion but insisted in a statement Thursday that "it has strong legal claims against Wachovia, Wells Fargo and their officers, directors, advisers and others for breach of contract and for tortious interference with contract" and that it "plans to pursue these damage claims vigorously."Wachovia filed notice of removal of Citigroup...

Damn, the story got out anyway.

Wonder why the big bad media has yet to point out that while McCain-Palin continue to bring up a half-assed link to some radical "domestic terrorist", who by the way had all charges dropped because the case against him was illegally constructed and handled by the FBI. A case that is some 40 years old no less; has yet to explain the very "Real" case against her (Palin)? A non-partisan group (that means both Republicans and Democrats for those of you to stupid to follow along) has released its report that states Palin while not breaking the law did VIOLATE ETHICS rules. Below is a little more of the scantly covered story that may help those of you that actually do care to seek the truth, and not just smoke and mirrors. By the way for those of you who are a little slow in the group, these statements are a matter of record that has been on-going even before McCain made this dreadful pick in Sarah Palin. So how can all of these people be on Obama's side? Answer, they...

Need more proof?

Notice his views on the current state of affairs. I will embolden them in red. Krugman wins Nobel economics prize The New York Times columnist, Princeton professor and Bush administration critic awarded for theory on free trade and globalization. STOCKHOLM, Sweden (AP) -- Paul Krugman, the Princeton University scholar and The New York Times columnist, won the Nobel prize in economics Monday for his analysis of how economies of scale can affect trade patterns and the location of economic activity. Krugman has been a harsh critic of the Bush administration and the Republican Party in The New York Times, where he writes a regular column and has a blog called "Conscience of a Liberal." He has come out forcefully against John McCain during the economic meltdown, saying the Republican candidate is "more frightening now than he was a few weeks ago" and earlier that the GOP has become "the party of stupid." "Krugman is not only a scientist but also an opinio...

Thank you John McCain.

I now withdraw and resend all prior comments I might have made in the negative on John McCain's character. I will embolden the specific comments from the article below that have changed my opinion. While I may not agree with his positions, I now reclaim the respect I had previously and am very glad to be wrong about anything I may have said in the past regarding his campaign. It is apparent to me that he has now stepped in and asserted authority in how his campaign is handled. I may be wrong but I read the statements below to be a man accepting Obama will be the next President of the United States of America. McCain's effort to temper GOP comments By CHARLES BABINGTON, Associated Press Writer1 hour, 53 minutes ago Barack Obama acknowledged Saturday that John McCain has asked his supporters to temper their attacks on him. But the Democratic presidential nominee said the Republican's economic plans remain wrong for the country. "I appreciated his reminder that we can dis...

Stop asking Wall Street.

I am wondering how long it will take before everyone catches on and stops asking or listening to the very people who either 1. Make their living on Wall Street (brokers, investors, etc.) or 2. Make their living because of Wall Street (Analysts, consultants, etc.) what they think, or what should you do with your investments. These are the people responsible in some form or another for the crisis we now face. If you owned a hen house and it was being guarded by a fox and discovered 80% of your chickens were missing...would you ask the fox what happened and should you continue to add more chickens into the hen house? How many cases of fraud and theft do you have to hear before you catch on? Pull your investments and cash out and force those who made the bad loans and investments to face the music. Otherwise all you are doing is allowing them to correct their books on your dime AGAIN...remember the bail-out bill?

Another McCain stupid example.

McCain is such an idiot. No actually that might be to easy, letting him off the hook for being simply unintelligent. I really do feel this is just more proof that the Republican party will say and do whatever it takes to win.....WHATEVER it takes!!!!!!! The Democratic party has been getting beat up by these people who focus on winning at any cost, while the Democrats continue to run campaigns the old fashion way...on the issues and differences of the candidates. What type of sad pathetic person worries more about trashing their opponent than presenting their case to the voters? Put the policies and plans side by side and do the research for yourselves. Then make your choice that way...stop waiting for Fox News (Fix Noise) and other news outlets to sum it up for you. Or give you a 30 second sound or video clip. I don't want an average Joe Six Pack retard running our government. Look where we are now. WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!!!! Just because someone acts like you does not mean they really ...

Life is Art.

I saw this poem at the start of a documentary I recently watched. The connections are a little scary. I found it very moving. Of course if you have pigment issues you may not agree.

Withdraw your investments.

I have resisted saying this because I know it will be devastating to what economy we may have left. If you have investments and you are able to withdraw them now is the time to do so. The proof continues to mount that the large companies in need of bailing out are simply going to drain all the "good" money from the market by chasing "bad" money. Take your money out and force the government to let these companies fail if that is what is looming. The foreign markets are about to call their loans and investments due. You money is the first line of defense, the FDIC is some 3.2 billion dollars over extended right now. It is not worth the risk of losing everything to bail out those who lied their way into this problem in the first place. THIS IS LARGER THAN OUR GOVERNMENT EITHER WANTS TO ADMIT OR CAN POSSIBLY UNDERSTAND. AIG hits up Fed for more money Three weeks after an $85 billion bailout, AIG is turning to the New York Fed for additional funding. By Tami Luhby, CNNM...


I have a few questions about the debate last night. First, why did McBush never mention Sarah Palin, nor did he refer to himself as a "Maverick"? Answer, because he was told how dumb either of the two would be. Second, I continue to see in the polls that when asked which candidate would do a better job protecting us from "terrorists" a few more than not feel McCain would be the one. Can someone please explain what McCain or the Republicans have shown or done to earn or deserve the title of supreme guardians from the threats of terror (never the acts mind you)!!! Is bin Laden Is Al Qaeda broken and Name one credible piece of information to come from Guantanamo or the Patriot Act (Either form). Name a single arrest of a serious foreign terrorist threat inside the United States since September 11, can't. Any arrests at home have had no ties to any foreign groups. We are in two we failed to find the main target (bin La...

What a joke.

Well we should have seen this coming. AIG execs' retreat after bailout angers lawmakers By ANDREW TAYLOR, Associated Press WriterTue Oct 7, 11:15 PM ET Days after it got a federal bailout, American International Group Inc. spent $440,000 on a posh California retreat for its executives, complete with spa treatments, banquets and golf outings, according to lawmakers investigating the company's meltdown. AIG sent its executives to the coastal St. Regis resort south of Los Angeles even as the company tapped into an $85 billion loan from the government it needed to stave off bankruptcy. The resort tab included $23,380 worth of spa treatments for AIG employees, according to invoices the resort turned over to the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. The retreat didn't include anyone from the financial products division that nearly drove AIG under, but lawmakers still were enraged over thousands of dollars spent on outing for executives of AIG's main U.S. life insur...

Take a look.

FactChecking Debate No. 2 October 8, 2008 Nonsense in Nashville Summary McCain and Obama debated for the second time, in Nashville. We noted some misleading statements and mangled facts: McCain proposed to write down the amount owed by over-mortgaged homeowners and claimed the idea as his own: “It’s my proposal, it's not Sen. Obama's proposal, it's not President Bush's proposal.” But the idea isn’t new. Obama had endorsed something similar two weeks earlier, and authority for the treasury secretary to grant such relief was included in the recently passed $700 billion financial rescue package. Both candidates oversimplified the causes of the financial crisis. McCain blamed it on Democrats who resisted tighter regulation of federal mortgage agencies. Obama blamed it on financial deregulation backed by Republicans. We find both are right, with plenty of blame left over for others, from home buyers to the chairman of the Federal Reserve. Obama said his health care plan woul...

How much do you need?

Try to understand, just because you were cleared does not make you right. Nor does it mean you did nothing wrong. (Not Guilty does not mean Innocent!!!!!)

Bush wacked.

First let me start by saying to all of you, please do not fall for one of the oldest tricks in politics.... reading the polls and thinking that this is "all but a lock" because the poll numbers say so. The republicans want you to believe the poll numbers, even though the numbers might be absolutely wrong. GO VOTE ANYWAY!!!!!!!!!! THE WORST THING WOULD BE TO THINK WE HAVE IT SO LOCKED UP THAT ENOUGH PEOPLE STAY HOME ON ELECTION DAY TO ALLOW MCCAIN AND THE GOP TO STEAL ANOTHER ELECTION!!!!!!!!!!! And for those who think your vote doesn't matter, about half of all states now mandate their electoral votes go to the popular vote winner. So it does matter, look it up!!!!! Next, has anyone else noticed that it seems as if every major catastrophe that has faced our nation for the past 28 years gas had a Bush or a Bush relative in the mix... IE all the Gulf wars/conflicts, Enron, Saudi Oil deals/scams, 2000 election, Iran Contra, Saddam Hussein's war machine (Regan's VP Ge...

DISGUSTED....Canada looks real nice.

If McCain will say this and still vote for the bill.........? I am absolutely disgusted by all parties involved. INCLUDING OBAMA. At least he didn't try to further his campaign on the back of this bill though. Has your McCain lied to you enough?


I will be satisfied when our nation no longer views this as astonishing and understands this is the way people are supposed to treat each other and in fact this used to be a way of life (Looking out for each other). And yeah I cried like a baby.

We have been McBushed again.

Here are two items that will allow you to compare statements when one is added to the other they equal a lie. McCain talks + Palin talks = LIE! How much must we endure before everyone admits his campaign is a joke? This was from her first unpolished ABC interview, before she was taught the correct responses. Taped September 11, 2008. Sarah Palin on 'the Bush Doctrine': GIBSON: We talk on the anniversary of 9/11. Why do you think those hijackers attacked? Why did they want to hurt us? PALIN: You know, there is a very small percentage of Islamic believers who are extreme and they are violent and they do not believe in American ideals, and they attacked us and now we are at a point here seven years later, on the anniversary, in this post-9/11 world, where we're able to commit to never again. They see that the only option for them is to become a suicide bomber, to get caught up in this evil, in this terror. They need to be provided the hope that all Americans have instilled in ...

I think I'll have a waffle.

I have done a bit more research on what I thought I had a pretty good grasp on, and think I might be shifting my position. Below will be an article that explains what I feel might be a better way to go on this whole "Bail-out" deal. My only concern is, if letting all of these questionable companies fend for themselves might that cause the same result we are being told to fear now? Let Risk-Taking Financial Institutions Fail By Ari J. Officer and Lawrence H. Officer Monday, Sep. 29, 2008 The Administration and Congress have felt compelled to do something about the "financial meltdown," so an inefficient and inequitable "bailout plan" has been rushed through the legislature despite harsh criticism from the right and left. That's unfortunate. Both presidential candidates were stalling by qualifying the plan. Whichever candidate had had the courage to reject outright this proposal would have had the better claim to be President. Do not be fooled. The $700...

Good for a laugh.

If you still think John McCain has the best decision making skills just watch these. His own party is now starting to call for Palin to step aside.

Do you have the answers?

In October 1929, only weeks after Yale economist (and investment trust director) Irving Fisher publicly announced that "stock prices have reached what looks like a permanently high plateau," and virtually on the day that J. P. Morgan partner Thomas W. Lamont reassured President Herbert Hoover that "there is nothing in the present situation to suggest that the normal economic forces ... are not still operative and adequate," the New York Stock Exchange crashed.' Over the next few months the market continued dropping, and a general economic decline took hold.2 As sales plummeted, industry after industry laid off workers and cut wages. Farm and commodity prices tumbled, outpacing price declines in other parts of the economy. A tidal wave of bankruptcies engulfed businessmen, farmers, and a middle class that had only recently awakened to the joys of installment buying.

I was wrong.

I have made the statement on several occasions that John McCain would not debate Obama fairly and head to head. I see now I was wrong, and I am glad I was. Despite my thoughts on all of the items in the debate, overall I was impressed McCain did as well as he did. That is to say he only looked mildly out witted as opposed to most other times he speaks.

We have all been McCained....

Please read this , I know in the past I have made statements that eluded to the stupidity of the general population in our country. I will admit while I still have my doubts I certainly hope I am very wrong. If everyone will listen with an open mind and an intelligent ear you will understand what is the "truth. No matter who tells it or what it is they tell, the truth will always be that...the truth (Original quote). I am going to break this down to a basic level, John McCain is not very intelligent, all he has to hold onto is war. He has no idea what the real world faces everyday. He has allowed his truly good nature to be corrupted by those running his campaign who gain vast incomes from war, the war machine, and Wall Street. Which by the way are the same people that enabled Bush to be elected or if you prefer appointed. He continues to push the idea that the only acceptable departure from Iraq is through victory. I submit that to give the Iraqis a timetable for when we will no...

A sad day to be the GOP.

I hope everyone is paying attention. Joe Biden tells it like it really is. Biden: ‘A good night for us’ Sept. 26: Democratic vice presidential candidate Joe Biden applauds Barack Obama’s repeated comparison of John McCain to President Bush, and feels Obama passed the “Commander-in-chief” test in this debate.

FactChecking Debate No. 1 September 27, 2008 Facts muddled in Mississippi McCain-Obama meeting. Summary McCain and Obama contradicted each other repeatedly during their first debate, and each volunteered some factual misstatements as well. Here’s how we sort them out: Obama said McCain adviser Henry Kissinger backs talks with Iran “without preconditions,” but McCain disputed that. In fact, Kissinger did recently call for “high level” talks with Iran starting at the secretary of state level and said, “I do not believe that we can make conditions.” After the debate the McCain campaign issued a statement quoting Kissinger as saying he didn’t favor presidential talks with Iran. Obama denied voting for a bill that called for increased taxes on “people” making as little as $42,000 a year, as McCain accused him of doing. McCain was right, though only for single taxpayers. A married couple would have had to make $83,000 to be affected by the vote, and anyway no such increase is in Obama’s tax ...

I found the SMELL!!

Well I guess now we can all figure out the REAL reason behind McCain's "Debate-gate". September 25, 2008 McCain camp to propose postponing VP debate Posted: 10:44 AM ET From CNN Correspondent Dana Bash (CNN) — McCain supporter Sen. Lindsey Graham tells CNN the McCain campaign is proposing to the Presidential Debate Commission and the Obama camp that if there's no bailout deal by Friday, the first presidential debate should take the place of the VP debate, currently scheduled for next Thursday, October 2 in St. Louis. In this scenario, the vice presidential debate between Joe Biden and Sarah Palin would be rescheduled for a date yet to be determined, and take place in Oxford, Mississippi, currently slated to be the site of the first presidential face off this Friday. Graham says the McCain camp is well aware of the position of the Obama campaign and the debate commission that the debate should go on as planned — but both he and another senior McCain adviser insist the ...